The ingenuity of the Big Bang lie
Transformation, rejuvenation, and the creation of anything requires the investment of energy. Who do you use your energy to glorify, God or Satan?
Energy is the fuel of creation. The creation, transformation, or rejuvenation of anything requires energy investment. For a plane to fly requires energy through the use of fuel. A moving car requires energy in the same way a plane does. For a tree to grow, energy is needed; even for generating money at some stage, human energy must be invested.
The Big Bang's premise is an energy explosion from nothing created the universe. The inevitable position of someone who stands on the side of creationism is that the Big Bang premise is totally without validity. However, is this premise totally without merit?
Using the physics of our existence, the premise of the Big Bang is built on the fact that to create anything, energy is invested. I admire how the investment of logic is ingrained in all the lies of the anti-God movement. The Big Bang concept intertwines itself with “Let there be Light”, essentially paralleling itself with this phenomenon while at the same time arguing that creationism is fantasy.
The heart of the argument is clearly not the creation of something using energy but the existence of God doing the creation. In both scenarios, the Big Bang and “Let there be Light,” creation is happening; however, the former is argued to have occurred out of nothing, while the latter is through the hand of God.
The inevitability of a lie is that the dots cannot be connected at some point, and the lie falls apart. The simple concept of infinite regression states that energy is necessary to create something. Thus, there are infinite connections of dots without ever finding the source since the first energy burst cannot exist without being created.
The justifying of the Big Bang further stretched into the rhetoric that something can be created from nothing.
1. not anything; no single thing.
Nonetheless, the definition of “nothing” dispels this notion into the realm of absurdity.
Although clever, the Big Bang does not explain the origin of the first burst of energy. However, the fact that we exist is not in dispute. This fact infers that something, an existence, outside of linear time must have sparked our creation.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.